
Es6 new features
Es6 new features

es6 new features

Map, and provides an alternative implementation if it doesn't. you include a library which checks whether certain parts of the API exist, e.g. New API's can often (but not always) be polyfilled. In general though, you should start using new features as soon as possible, and make use of tools that help you with that. Have to support IE8? That could be more difficult. if you are targeting only the latest browser version, then you won't have an issue. Whether or not you should use new features primarily depends on your target environment and how exactly you are using new features. Tl dr: Make use of transpilers and polyfills. I'm also asking if the support check is the best option, not how to do it, or if there are other ways to proced while designing your code. Notice I'm not asking how to check for support, I'm asking if it is wise to start using it, or it is better to wait.

es6 new features

I understand these are great features but for short to medium term usage it seems that you'd need to double your code checking and fallbacking for support.ĮDIT: Please, don't mark this as duplicate. Would you not use them for basic actions but to add another layer of extra functions? Would you use it just for apps that you know you will be running in browsers that support them? Would you wait untill there is at least 90% of support? So how, would you deal with this new posibilities? (or how will you, lets say, in a year or so). To be honest I'm kind of tired of checking if there is support for addEventListener due to ie8 attachEvent, and I wouldn't like that kind of pain coming back to my life. There are many ES6 features that look great like => syntax, Map object, and a long etc.

Es6 new features