
Alpha ++ global city
Alpha ++ global city

alpha ++ global city

High-quality educational institutions, including renowned universities, international student attendance and research facilities.High percentage of residents employed in the services sector and information sector.Dominance of the national region with great international significance.Centres of media and communications for global networks.Centres of new ideas and innovation in business, economics, culture, and politics.Considerable decision-making power on a daily basis and at a global level.Major manufacturing centres with port and container facilities.Domination of the trade and economy of a large surrounding area.The existence of financial headquarters, a stock exchange, and major financial institutions.Headquarters of several multinational corporations.A variety of international financial services, notably in finance, insurance, real estate, banking, accountancy, and marketing.World cities have some of the following characteristics: World cities are urban areas with an important role in the global economic system.

alpha ++ global city

Outline characteristics of world cities and megacities and their changing distribution since 1950

Alpha ++ global city